happy birthday to me!!! :-)
first of all, please accept my apologies for this long overdue post. i was supposed to update this abt 2+ months back (it's dec now, as i write this!), when i turned 1. anyway, better late than never, they say... ;-)
anyway, mommy and daddy threw me my first birthday bash in october, 2 months back. not many guests were invited this round, as compared to my full moon party last year... only immediate families and close friends came.
daddy and mommy decorated our house with some balloons and a nice banner that said "happy 1st birthday, isaac". ooh, i loved it! especially the balloons!!!
not long after, grandma and grampa came too, along with auntie jasmine and auntie soo lee. here they are, busy with preparing the food in the kitchen. oh well, not too busy for a picture, i guess... ;-)
mommy, ever so thoughtful, prepared some party packs for the children who were invited. it's a goodie bag with lotsa cool stuff inside... candy, chocolates, and some toys.
here's a nice pic of (from left) auntie phoebe, cousin gina, grandma, auntie joyce, uncle boon, and my babysitter, auntie kien who's carrying baby justin. hey, where's myself??
ahh, here's one with me in it!! auntie jasmine tirelessly looked after me the whole night. she should have the lion's share of the food... hehe! cousin gina's got 2 balloons with her, i'd better help her with one... ;-) auntie soo lee's busy snapping away too, she's a camera buff, just like daddy!
barely an hour after the arrival of the first guest, there was already a big pile of presents and gifts for me. my my, i can't wait to open them up and be surprised!! :-)
i was so glad to see aunty kien come together with her whole family, plus the other kids that she looks after at home.
ahhh, the highlight of the party... the birthday cake!! mommy had this cake specially made to order. dunno why she chose chicken little... never seen that cartoon before. i guess it's mainly because i was born in the year of the rooster, hence i've been closely associated with this cartoon character... but it's a nice cake altogether, i like it! :-)
here's a shot of mommy and daddy singing a birthday song for me, together with grandpa and both grandmas.
after the song, grandpa, grandma and daddy helped me blow out the candle. can't wait till i'm older and get to have more candles on my cake. right now, it looks kinda sad, just one single, solitary candle...
wheee... having fun with all my friends here! so glad they came over and celebrated my 1st birthday with me! a party just isn't a party without kids running about... ;-)
i thought i'd never get to taste my own birthday cake... thankfully, grandpa let me taste some of his. shhhh, don't tell mommy... hehe!